Kapil Gupta
Being indispensable may sound like the best thing ever. After all, if you’re the only person who can do your job then you’ve got it made, right? Wrong! When you are irreplaceable, however, it means that you are stuck. You cannot grow; you cannot take on new challenges; and you cannot move up since there is nobody else to assume your responsibilities.
Level 3
Level 1
Level 4
Currently there are 2.4m vehicles on the road with some level of automation.
Level 1
Single automated system like adaptive cruise control features, e.g. monitoring speed
Level 2
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. The vehicle can control steering and acceleration.
Level 3
Conditional automation can alert to any vehicles nearby and make steering adjustments.
Level 4
High-driving automation. Vehicles can intervene if things go wrong.
Level 5
Full driving automation. Does not require human attention. No pedals or steering wheels.
Automated monitored
Human monitored
Automated monitored
Human monitored
Automated monitored
Human monitored
Story 1
Story 2