Dear or No Deal: Musketeer
Elon Musk and the saga of Twitter and free speech continues. This saga is unfolding faster than Covid is spreading right now. We all know that Elon Musk bidded to buy Twitter for a staggering $43 billion and Twitter agreed.
I have been a critic of the deal and had predicted that it would fail, even at the cost of $1 billion cancellation charge. Amid discussions of the need for free speech, the entire approach seems to be a sham and is becoming more clear by the day.
Please note the stock market agrees with me, the current price is $45 and today’s Tweet from Mr Musk has put it to $38. For believers, there is 50% upside to be made. Please buy if you are one. My best wishes (will also send condolences later).
From an Elon Musk perspective, his latest tweets are much of a proof that he isn’t really looking for free speech, he is looking for a right winged access on twitter. Basically, getting Mr Trump & Co back on it. There is nothing around free speech for all, geo based free speech discussion, dictatorships and authoritarian regimes and of course the age old issue of one land’s terrorist is another land’s revolutionary.
From a Twitter perspective, I expect 20% plus of spam/fake accounts. Well to be fair, spam/fake will depend on definitions too. Pure bots may be more like 5-10% but if you add all spam/fake accounts, it will certainly be over 20. And that’s the game everyone will keep playing.
We had predicted that Elon Musk will make many changes in management, 2 of them have already been done before his announcing the deal as suspended for now. So sit back, relax. Twitter is not going anywhere. It will continue to be the crappy inefficient platform that we all love and tweet about. If you got something to say, just tweet it. If you don’t, tweet that as well.
Watch the video!