April 22, 2020

Lockdown 3.0: What it should be…

Lets first look at some facts and prevalently accepted assumptions: People under the age of 50 have an extremely low mortality rate (0.2%) and that too predominantly for people with cardiovascular, diabetes, hypertension and other morbid diseases. You will at some point during the journey end up contracting CoronaVirus and if you are under 50 […]

April 20, 2020

WW-III: The Changing World

Wikipedia defines World War as “a war engaged in by all or most of the principal nations of the world”. It doesn’t have to be a war amongst each other. No one said a world war has to be a war between 2 warring factions of humans. It doesn’t really need to be between countries, […]

Ban the not so civic protests
February 26, 2020

Ban The Not So Civic Protests!!

I have been pondering about this for a while. Considering India is an electoral democracy with a judiciary branch independent of executive and polity, considering that India is not a majority referendum based system, considering everything is governed by this book called the Constitution of India which provides and guarantees equality for all, isn’t the […]

December 17, 2019


I have grown up reading about power and what it means and what it does to people. Power was taught sometimes as money and sometimes as derived from control. However, the more I have delved into India, the more I realize how untrue this is. India is a country run by the mob or the […]

September 30, 2019

10+ things only one CEO can pull off!

In a world where digital agencies keep flourishing and flopping…what sets us apart? People? Clients? Vibes? All of these certainly! But if we look closer…you’ll see him standing there. Smiling! The *funny man* who’s been sailing our vessel, quite steady and strong. As we rejoice recalling the good, bad, ugly moments of 10 years,  we can’t […]

September 29, 2019

10+ EPIC Moments

These are the moments that changed us as a company. These are what define us and our culture. These are what we will never forget. Our belief in us – 1st October 2009: When we thought that the entire team will leave for the fears of job security. The old founding team was leaving the […]

September 27, 2019

10+ Ways We Create Happiness

Happiness is one of our key 5 values. It is at the core of what we are as a company. It is what brings us back to work every day. This is why most of our ex-employees say “The new office is well an office, OMLogic was home.” Flat Organization: It’s become a cliché for […]

September 26, 2019

10+ Awesome Clients

We are a fun company. We have pretty well enjoyed most of our work. Finding fun and happiness within any complication is the core of the culture that makes us as popular amongst employees (current and ex) as we are. One important characteristic of OMLogic as a company is that our customer case studies and […]

September 22, 2019

10 WOW Cream-of-the-Campaigns!

While we have done some tremendous work over the years, we thought of sharing the 10 wow campaigns that truly stand out! These campaigns have been selected based on the innovation in the idea, the impact they caused and the fun we had while doing them. Please note, we are not supposed to talk about […]

October 17, 2017

#FeekiWaaliDiwali – Colorless Diwali

It’s the biggest festival of India. Its what binds everyone together. Its one of the few things that transcends above caste, region, gender and believe it or not, even religion. For years we have rejoiced the festival of Diwali like nothing else. But 2017 is different. The lackluster marketplaces, the missing euphoria, the reduced lighting, […]

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