September 1, 2021

Equality in the form of inequality

We are living in a feminist era where we talk about equality and women empowerment. But, do we think about how the term ‘equality’ promotes inequality? Equality simply means the same treatment is given to all. Then how do you promote equality and at the same time support reservation. How is equal treatment being provided […]

September 1, 2021

Social media regulation: who will decide what is right?

Freedom of speech or freedom of expression is our birthright, especially since we are part of a supposedly democratic country. But where is democracy if we are controlled? There are all sorts of people on social media and there is no denying that some people can be “really stupid”. Especially considering our worldview is formed […]

September 1, 2021

Truth Shots: The Tweet Debacle

My take on the farmers protests and the tweet debacle! Let me take you through the three aspects of what this protest has become in the past month. First: The amazing resilience shown by the farmers & protesters, and for the most part remaining non-political in nature. (Not true anymore, by the way) Second: The […]

September 1, 2021

Why is your marriage failing?

Topic for today: Relationships! In this episode, I share my learnings from the past 40 years of my life. And how I came up with the ‘Four People Theory’. But before that, let’s discuss another interesting thing- Marriage. Society was earlier built on the foundation that men would work and women would manage the house. […]

September 1, 2021

Liberalism: A modern fallacy

Today’s topic: LIBERALS We all want to be one. We all claim to be one. We are nothing, if not a liberal. Liberals are all about equality, feminism, women empowerment, LGBTQI, muslims, dalits, etc. Liberals stand for each other. They want to understand why a terrorist became a terrorist. They want to support everyone who […]

September 1, 2021

Why I don’t wear mask | masks are bad for health

The theme of 2020: To wear or not to wear ‘masks’ I don’t wear masks. I don’t like to wear masks. Infact, research backs me up! Long term consequences of wearing masks can cause heavy headache, skin & acne problems, and other diseases. Those who wear it might know how it feels like “going to […]

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