The Falling & Failing Democrats

The Falling & Failing Democrats

July 23, 2024 0

For the last couple of weeks, Democrats have been preparing to take Biden out and put someone else. They were not waiting for Biden to agree, they were creating a space that someone can come and fill. Let me assure you it was part of the political theater, create a demand before you do the supply. The media narrative over the last few weeks was just that. And now to the question, who??

Democrats Need a Punching Bag

Make no mistake, the Democrats needed a sacrificial lamb, someone to take the relentless punches from Donald Trump and last through the brutal campaign trail. Enter Kamala Harris, stage left. It’s a match made in heaven if you think about it. The Democrats get their punching bag, and Harris gets to hang on for the ride. With the presidential race essentially locked in, this was the inevitable outcome we all saw coming.

The Kamala Harris Conundrum: The Ultimate Sacrificial Lamb for the Democrats

So, Kamala Harris is back in the spotlight. Big surprise? Hardly. A vice-president, a presidential nominee—sure, it’s historic and all that jazz. But let’s be real for a second. Considering the US still isn’t ready for a woman president, much less a woman of color, this is probably the best Harris can hope for. Unless, of course, she marries a sitting president and waltzes into the White House as the First Lady. Now wouldn’t that be a spectacle?

A Silver Lining for Indians and Women and Women of Color?

But hey, it’s not all doom and gloom. As an Indian, I can’t help but find a silver lining in this circus. This election might just give us an Indian as the second lady in the US and a nominated presidential candidate of Indian descent. For women, for women of color, and for Indians, this could open up a world of possibilities. It’s a small step, but at least it’s a step. Before you can dream, you need to see the possibility. This time it might not be a dream, but it’s certainly a consideration.

The Harsh Reality

Let’s face it, the Democrats are playing a game of political chess, and Harris is just another pawn. The real power plays are happening behind closed doors, and she’s being used to push an agenda that has little to do with genuine change and more to do with maintaining the status quo. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but that’s the reality of modern politics.
Thinking about Trump taking her head on in issues related to immigration and middle east are sending shivers up my spine.

Conclusion: The Brutal Truth

In the end, Harris’s nomination is a calculated move, a strategic play in the Democrats’ game plan. It’s not about breaking glass ceilings or making history—it’s about survival in a ruthless political landscape. So, while we might see a flicker of progress, don’t be fooled into thinking this is some great leap forward. It’s just another day in the relentless grind of American politics, where power and control are the only real goals.