Why Making Yourself Jobless is the Key to Career Growth?

Why Making Yourself Jobless is the Key to Career Growth?

June 18, 2024 0

As someone who has led many organizations, I’ve often been faced with the question “Who is a better performer? The one person who is so critical to the organization that if they are not there it will fall apart, or the one whose job would require three other people to replace him.” My immediate response was neither. Both imply an inappropriate paradigm of professionalism.

During our working life, we usually aim to be indispensable because we believe that this will guarantee our place and prosperity. Nonetheless, this can cut both ways. The fact is, truly successful professionals make themselves “jobless.” You might at first think that this sounds strange but let me show you why it’s important.

Demystifying Indispensability

Being indispensable may sound like the best thing ever. After all, if you’re the only person who can do your job then you’ve got it made, right? Wrong! When you are irreplaceable, however, it means that you are stuck. You cannot grow; you cannot take on new challenges; and you cannot move up since there is nobody else to assume your responsibilities.

Over-Dependence Trap

Conversely, being someone who need to be replaced by three other people might sound impressive. Nonetheless, this often means that you are doing jobs that can only be done by three people; a situation that is not sustainable and may lead to burn out. Moreover, this is also an indication of inefficiency and poor delegation skills.

The Power of Delegating Authority

The real secret for success in your career is becoming “jobless” through delegating what you currently do to others so as to create time for new things that arise. However, this should not mean abandoning your duties but enhancing the capacity of the others to take over these responsibilities while you concentrate on fresh challenges and opportunities.

In all my organizations I have led, I have rewarded those who master it. Those people who delegate effectively, building their teams are promoted up the ladder. These are managers, leaders and executives.

Advantages of Being Jobless:

Personal Growth: By delegating tasks, you will release yourself from some amount of time or mental space which will enable you to learn new skills. This then prepares you for greater roles within the organization.

Team Development: When you engage them in decision-making processes and give your team power over operations they become better individuals leading to creation of a more skilled and resilient team that benefits the whole organization at large.

Heightened Efficiency:
Assigning work to the most suitable individuals often leads to more efficient processes, which in turn enhances productivity and quality.

Leadership Opportunities: Delegating tasks and taking on new challenges is representative of leadership qualities that result in promotions and other opportunities for growth.

Rewarding the Right Skills

I have always cherished those people who make themselves “jobless” in my organizations. They are actually the ones who keep changing, growing and moving the organization ahead. These people know that it does not matter how indispensable you are today but what matters is how well you can prepare yourself as well as others for a tomorrow.

Start by delegating if you want to move up your career ladder at all. Make your team autonomous, focus on self-growth and make yourself “jobless.” This is a real path towards one’s professional success. Finally remember that when you do this, it raises both you and all around you because everybody grows and succeeds together with others.